We then drove up the N1 turning off at the R304 towards Stellenbosch. The views of the vineyards and mountains were stunning. Our first stop was Simonsig as we needed to replenish our supply of bubbly. Although we knew what we wanted, we decided to have a wine tasting, Mike was the designated driver, so Ed, Nic and I paid for the tasting. We were each allowed to taste 5 wines so we each chose a different 5 meaning we got to try 15! Bought our case of Kaapse Vonkel.
As we were walking back to the car, my sandal broke so I had to do the rest of the tour barefoot. This being SA, though, I did not get any funny looks walking into the posh tasting rooms with no shoes.

Two more vineyards were visited en route - Alto where we bought delicious red wines and Avontuur for an amazing 10 year old brandy.
The day ended perfectly with our picnic on the balcony - accompanied by wine, of course.
I'm jealous! My guided trip to SA can't compare to your do it yourself tour. I can see you will need AA after these 2 months.
Don't worry Rose. Nic and I are rationing ourselves to just one bottle of champagne a day!
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