Mim was working at the market in Sedgefield and we had all intended going for breakfast there. The guys, however, were all sound asleep as they had returned late last night or, rather, early in the morning. Nic and I went on our own and after strolling through the food market, Wild Oats, decided on fresh strawberries and coffee for breakfast. Strolled around the stalls and said hi to Mim then went home. The men were just getting up.
It was a gorgeous sunny day; a day for walking on the beach, swimming, boys (Warren, Mike & Trent) surfing and sunbathing.
In the evening the whole family met up at backpackers to watch the sunset and eat pizza baked on the out door oven.

Watch your pizza Trent!
On the way there we spotted a large number of dassies in the bush.

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