Mim was 'marketing' again as there was a Sunday Craft Market on the community ground

opposite our flat in Wilderness. It was a baking hot day so all visitors were out and about. Went to church and then joined Ed and Pat looking around the market. The guys bought pancakes and cokes for breakfast - can't remember what I had with my coffee.
At 11.30 Pete, Sandy and Warren picked us up for a visit to the local 'Big Tree'. We took two cars and drove up the mountains to the Wilderness National Park.

What a delight to be in the shade of the forest of indigenous trees and out of the sun. The 800 year old giant yellow wood tree was awesome - makes one realise just how small we are in this universe and how short a time human beings have when compared to trees and other flora.
There is a wonderful woodland walk marked and we followed the circular footpath which returned us to the big tree. A few metres away were picnic benches where we sat whilst Sandy and Warren went back to the car to fetch the picnic Pete had put together.

(One of the pleasures of not being one of the 'young ones' any more, is that we can relax while they do the work!). There was enough food for the 5000. Delicious!
Afterwards we drove the back roads through the forests to the beach at
Swartvlei Lake. Ed and Pat went for a beach walk whilst the rest of us had a swim in the sea then laid on the beach before heading back.
That evening we got together with Mike & Heather and their lot at the Kwelanga Country Retreat for a braai.
It was a bit cool and I did not stay long in the pool. The weather did not seem to effect Chad, Trent & Mike who played in the pool (an excuse for wrestling which I have noticed that boys never grow out of no matter their age).

M & H had organised for the restaurant to supply the salads and a huge fruit salad for afters. We had barbecued

prawns and meat and, of course, wine. The evening finished with Irish whiskeys around a fire on the patio.
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