Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Callum Michael Bartrum

Our great nephew made his appearance at 9.44 am Wednesday 11th June 2008.
Senna meets her baby brother. She did not believe it was Callum at first, saying he was in mommy's tummy. Dad had to tell her a few times that he had been taken out of mommy's tummy and that this was he!
I bet every woman who's just had a baby wishes they looked as good as Lynda (I certainly didn't!) How does she do it?
Traer & I went to visit and adore. Nya came along too.
Nya was exhausted by all the excitement of a new cousin and of seeing Senna.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! What a great looking family! Callum is too good looking for a newborn and Linda sure doesn't look like she just had major surgery.

All the best from across the ocean.

Aunty Rose