Thursday 23rd I watched Rose in a play off doubles tennis match. It was great to watch and they just lost in a tie break. Rose stayed to watch the other matches whilst I went back to laze by the pool. In the evening we went to eat at the Lobster Pot in Siesta Key. The lobster was not great but afterwards we walked down to the beach and bought double scoop ice cream cones - one of their
Friday we drove an hour to Warm Springs, a natural mineral pool at a contant temperature of 30°C. We thought we were in Russia! Of the hundred or so people there we only heard two couples speaking English! As well as walking around and floating in the water which smelt like rotten eggs, we joined in an aqua exercise class along with about half of the people there. We spent a couple of hours there being 'rejuvenated'.
One of the coiples living in Stoneybrook held a cocktail party to celebrate St. George's Day. Everyone had to wear something red and white. Great fun and lots of interesting people.
Saturday I should have gone on a bike ride with Rose and Shelby. I set off with them having taken a couple of ibuprofen for the shoulder pain I was suffering, but after just a block the pain from cycling was unbearable so I left them to do the ride, whilst I took the car and went shopping. In the evening Rose cooked a rack of lamb for each of us accompanied by asparagus and a bottle of pink champagne. Delicious!
This brings us to today, Sunday. I am writing this as we watch Angels and Demons. After morning mass we ca
We came back to Shelby's where her husband Dave had made a great spaghetti and salad supper for us. This was washed down with wine followed by coffee and key lime pie, a Florida speciality. After supper we sat out on their lanai and played Mexican Train, a great domino game. Must get it before I go home.
1 comment:
Sounds like there are a lot of pink champagne bottles in Rose's recycling - I am very jealous.
We had a very relaxing weekend doing nothing, back to work today (monday) and then tomorrow is a public holiday.
Enjoy your last week
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