Wednesday saw us up and out early for an hour's drive to
Stump Pass nature reserve on Manisota Key for a guided walk by a ranger at 9 a.m. We got there just in time only to find out that the tour is every other Wednesday and this was not the day! However, the ranger told us where to look out for the eagles and the horned owl and her two babies. It was a fantastic walk to the end of the key on sandy footpaths through mangrove bush. Walking along the beach at the end of tthe key we spotted a gue digging a shovel full of sand and shale at the water's edge the tipping it upside down ont the beach. He told us he was looking for sand fleas which turned out to

be about the size of a heaped teaspoon and jellyfish like body with two feelers with which it burrowed into the sand. We helped spot for a while and then when we said we had to go he said he'd just catch a pompano using the sand

fleas for bait. Rose said we couldn't stay too long but he said it would only take a minute. In fact, as soon as he cast his line he had a catch and repeated this a few times. Amazing. We waded part of the way back before rejoining the path. We saw the baby owls in their nest and mama owl on another tree, turtles and a variety of birds.
By the time we finished our walk, Shelby had arrived on the local public beach so we drove down and joined her. Rose and I had been going to stop somewhere for lunch, but Shelby had brought a cooler with sandiches, carrots & cellery and light beers so we stayed for a couple of hours and looked for shark's teeth. I only managed to find six whereas Shelby found around forty which she gave to me for Nya.
Back in time for a swim in the pool before supper at the clubhouse.
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