As we reached the far side of George the police were stopping people from carrying on the N2, as the road in Sedgefield was closed. Unsure what to do we phoned Uncle Pete who had a route taking to the old road to Knysna.
Entering Wilderness you are usually faced with the amazing beach view with a long stretch of sandy beach. Today everything was sea - no beach. Uncle Pete said this was a once in a hundred year thing. We started on the old route, but as you can see from the top picture we hit a problem - the road was now a fast flowing river. We turned back to take stock of everything at Uncle Pete's & Mim's. After reviewing weather forecasts, and phoning a few people- there was no way we could get to Brenton, the only option was to turn back to cape town, meaning we would only have wasted 1 day.
All together it was a 10 hour trip to see Aunty Mim and Uncle Pete for a cup of tea, but a big adventure.
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