We left for Dijon on Tuesday morning, the idea being that we could take a relaxing drive down stopping overnight twice since we wouldn't be able to get into the track until Thursday morning.
We got as far as Dover docks before Ed got his head under a bonnet!

He was trying to help someone get their car started as the loading of the ferry was almost done!
Had a lovely lunch on board which meant I wouldn't have to cook that evening. We drove a little way on the motorway then took the N roads. They are so well maintained and the scenery is beautiful. Late afternoon we stopped not far from Soissons at Le Crois du Vieux Pont in Berny-Riviere. The camp site was huge but each pitch was very private. Ed asked for and got a riverside (the Aisne) stand. No one near us - except for ducks and swans that is.

When I opened the camper door in the morning, two families of ducks were waddling past with a swan as the rear guard. It shooed them all into the river then joined them. Was this the ugly duckling in reverse?
After a leisurely breakfast of fresh croissants and coffee, we again set off on the N roads. We missed the camping site we were aiming for but did not want to turn back, so travelled on for another hour or so. In a small village, Chanceaux, we spotted a dodgy looking municipal camp site. There was only one tent there. The site was at the side of the village hall but there were lovely shaded areas so we decided to stop. A good choice as the village was charming.

Bought some bread, cheese, salamis and wine and then stopped off at the local bar for a beer and a wine.

Had a simple supper

and early to bed. Nobody had come to collect our money for using the camp site, so tried to pay at the bakers but no one would take the payment. Bon chance! So off we set for the last 30 or so km to Dijon race track.
Arrived, Ed signed in, we off loaded into the pit we had hired, checked out who was around then set off on a bike ride to Prenois, the village closest to the track. It was one o'clock so everything was closed except the restaurants. Had a delicious lunch (no cooking for me again) in the courtyard of a little restaurant. After cycling back it was time for a siesta. Ed had met up with Geoff Williams who had also raced in SA at the beginning of the year. He and his friend Peter came over for drinks and snacks in the evening w

hile we caught up with what all of us had been doing since we last saw Geoff.
Friday meant business. In the morning, Ed qualified 18th out of 21. Had a slight oil leak which he repaired and the rest of the day was free. The HGPCA (Historic Grand Prix Association) who were organising a number of the races put on a "light lunch" - goodness knows what a normal lunch would have been. There were a huge variety of salads, cold meat, cheeses and french bread plus beer and wine to wash them down. Absolutely delicious. Oh, and puds as well. Think only the men managed those. Lazed in the afternoon and then time to eat again. The HGPCA put on a great barbecue.
Today, Saturday, families started arriving early with their picnic baskets.

There are great places to sit on grass under the shade of trees to watch the racing.

Ed finished 15th in his race but we are still struggling with the leak.
Lunch was a repeat of yesterday and we are just about to go to a barbecue and live rock and roll concert being put on by the organisers.