I feel I have come alive, the whole day I have been tired and lethargic not wanting to get on with my list of tasks (which now has got even longer because of this).
After 3 trips to the Post Office (once yesterday as well) to pick up the same letter, I stopped off at Fegos for takeaway cappuccino. Now this is nicely in my tummy I have come alive. I realised this was my first cup of coffee for over 2 days!! For some reason I do not even need the caffeine as a decaf coffee works well to, so must be a cappuccino addiction.
I am also coming to terms with my inability to watch anything but 24. Mike & I are now on series 5, so have watched 96 hours worth of tv.
Only 8 more days and we are on our way back to the UK. Mike is looking forward to the 12 hour flight (the only time he ever relaxes!). Unfortunately he needs this time to relax due to the hectic schedule when back in UK.